Aha’s requests panel is a tool for constant communication between the client and Sundevs. It allows both parties to do a daily follow up on the outstanding points of a project to be able to solve blockages or obtain the necessary tools to develop a required functionality.

What can you do on the requests panel?

  •   Add comments.

  •   Add files.

  •   Mention people from your team.

  •   See the requests assigned to you and your team.

  • See the expected due date for you to resolve a SunDevs’ request.

  • Filter requests by assigned or by status.

How to do a follow up on the request assigned to your team?

To check your or your team’s pending for resolution requests follow this step by step:

1. Go to https://secure.aha.io/

2. Click on Features > Workflow

3. You will see a panel organized by assigned people and status of every card:

  • Not started

  • In progress

  • In review

  • Completed

  • Blocked

4. When clicking on every card, you will be able to see the details of the request and add comments and files:

5. To add a file, click on the button “Attach files”. To add a comment, click on the field “Write a comment”.

6. Mention someone from your team and they will receive a notification on their e-mail which will take them to your comment:

7. Also, receive notifications of cards you have commented on:

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