Requests and Ideas at Aha!
All the information about Aha! and how to create Requests and Ideas in this platform can be found by clicking on the following options
Why do we use Aha! at Sundevs?
Why do we use Aha! at Sundevs? Requests panel How do I create an idea? How do I see, filter and comment on already created ideas? Software Development Lifecy...
Requests panel
Aha’s requests panel is a tool for constant communication between the client and Sundevs. It allows both parties to do a daily follow up on the outstanding p...
How do I create an idea?
Sign in to Go to the page Ideas > Overview Click on “Add Idea” Add a name, description, and assign a category to your idea. Your now ...
How do I see, filter and comment on already created ideas?
Sign in to Go to the page Ideas > List At the top of the list, filter ideas by date, assigned, category, status, among others. Click ...
Software Development Lifecycle
0. PREVIOUS STEPS TO PLANNING Create an idea into Aha!: How will you improve your product? Check the design: We will propose the best user experience for you...