The Service Level Agreements (SLA) in SunDevs establishes indicators that can be measured and can be used to regulate the service we provide while ensuring compliance with the expectations of our customers. Expectations are managed by ensuring that requests made through the Service Desk are managed according to priority.

Processing Times

Response times, types of requests, and priorities have been established to ensure the correct flow of follow-ups and resolutions to requests. Depending on the type of request you make, there is a precise time for first contact and solution or response to that request, all of this will depend on the priority you assign.

Type of Application


Time  of first Response

Maximum Resolution Time

Low (Does not affect the system or business operation)(changes of texts, images, generation of a report)

4 Business Hours

40 Business Hours

Medium (Affects business but isn't blocking the process completely.)

2 Business Hours

16 Business Hours

High (Affects business and is blocking parts of the process)

1 Business Hour

8 Business Hours

Highest Affects all of the business and is blocking the entire process.)

1 Business Hour

2 Business Hours

The priority will be reassessed when receiving the request since the context of the request determines the urgency in which the case should be handled.

What support is provided through the Support Desk?

  • Receive requests made through the portal (New Requirement, Technical Support, Report Error, other types of requests) belonging to the products or projects developed by SunDevs or agreements with entities where some type of activity is being managed.

  • Follow-up to each of the requests according to the terms placed on them.

  • Response and/or solution to each of the requests received.

  • Explanation of process management when products or projects have no documentation available.

What kind of support does the Support Desk does not provide?

  • Requests that have not been made through the support desk, which are not tracked or do not have records.

  • Products that are not agreements or developed by Sundevs.

  • Explanation of management or behavior in projects or products that have up-to-date documentation.

A request will be closed  when no response is obtained from the customer for a certain period (within 2  days of receiving no response it will be notified that the case will be closed at the end of 4 days)

Business Hours

The schedule of personal, telephone, and case tracking customer service is from Monday to  Friday from 8:00 am to  6:00 pm, Colombian time.

Exception: Highest Priority  Cases: that affects the business and cannot operate. In such cases, they will have 24/7 customer service.

  • Contact channel

Through this channel, you can contact us for information about your requests

Sundevs Support.

Related Content:

Error type request

Request type Technical Support and Other questions

SLA for all types of requests